
Posts Tagged ‘nokia

Driver: L.A. Undercoverby Gameloft

The high-octane return of Driver on mobile with even more explosive 3D action!

You are Tanner, an undercover cop whose mission is to topple the Los Angeles Mafia. For the first time on mobile, ride through a huge 3D city and dive right into the heart of even more explosive action thanks to the new 3D view, just like in console games. Get ready for ultra-risky missions on foot and by car in the heart of Los Angeles, where you’ll infiltrate gangs, protect informants, and chase bank robbers at breakneck speeds in hellish road pursuits worthy of the greatest Hollywood blockbusters! Tanner, get ready to do whatever it takes to protect your cover and bring down the big fishes of the City of Angels.

– New 3D gameplay with a console-game feel, hurling the player into the heart of the action.
– Explosive storyline offering more than 30 missions on foot or in cars.
– Total freedom of movement in a gigantic 3D city (4 neighborhoods).
– Ultra-realistic driving sensations, thanks to the 3D view simulating a camera placed behind the car.
– Two shooting systems: Free aim for missions on foot and automatic aim for missions by car.
– Lots of possibilities for stunts: explosions, car crashes, dizzying jumps, and much more.

supplied by D@nilYcH

Original versions for

Nokia 3650 (S60v1 176×208)
Nokia 7650 (S60v1 176×208)
Nokia 6600 (S60v2 176×208)
Nokia 6630 (S60v2 176×208)
Nokia 6670 (S60v2 176×208)
Nokia 6680 (S60v2 176×208)
Nokia 7610 (S60v2 176×208)
Nokia N70 (S60v2 176×208)

Ludimate.Sensible.Sudoku.v2.0.6.S60.SymbianOS.Crac ked-illusion

The most enjoyable Sudoku for Symbian with a pleasant interface, elegant audio and engaging gameplay. Have a great time with Sensible Sudoku!

The most enjoyable Sudoku for Symbian with a pleasant interface, elegant audio and engaging gameplay!

Sensible Sudoku includes everything that makes playing Sudoku on a mobile a truly enjoyable experience: pencil marks, hints, undo and auto-save. Play it anytime and anywhere – forget about those limited newspaper Sudokus…

Sensible Sudoku includes millions of puzzles that can be played in multiple difficulty levels, with a pleasant interface and elegant audio.

More than just a puzzle interface, Sensible Sudoku was designed to be an enjoyable experience. Have a great time with Sensible Sudoku!

Sensible Sudoku 2

The most enjoyable Sudoku for Symbian with a pleasant interface, elegant audio and engaging gameplay!

Sensible Sudoku includes everything that makes playing Sudoku on a mobile a truly enjoyable experience: pencil marks, hints, undo and auto-save. Play it anytime and anywhere – forget about those limited newspaper Sudokus…

Sensible Sudoku includes millions of puzzles that can be played in multiple difficulty levels, with a pleasant interface and elegant audio.

More than just a puzzle interface, Sensible Sudoku was designed to be an enjoyable experience. Have a great time with Sensible Sudoku!

Game Features

* Millions of Sudokus with unique solutions: all you need is logic, no guessing required.
* Five difficulty settings to match your skills, from Very Easy to Extreme level.
* Track your Sudoku solving times and compete with others at www,
* Includes 14 Sudoku board skins with a range of visual styles from formal to exuberant.
* Includes pencil marks to allow annotations.
* Comprehensive Sudoku statistics.
* Can be played with wrong numbers not allowed (more fun) or allowed (harder).
* Includes options to check for and undo wrong numbers.
* Includes simple and full hints as well as a pencil-all option.
* Auto Save/Restore game: peacefully play Sudoku as you go, when you can.
* Optimized for one-hand use: enter numbers with the joystick/cursor, stylus or keyboard.
* Includes fine VGA graphics and supports square and landscape devices.
* Elegant audio effects designed for a pleasant experience.

Compatible Devices

Nokia 3230
Nokia 3600
Nokia 3620
Nokia 3650
Nokia 3660
Nokia 6260
Nokia 6600
Nokia 6620
Nokia 6630
Nokia 6670
Nokia 6680
Nokia 6681
Nokia 6682
Nokia 7610
Nokia 7650
Nokia N-Gage
Nokia N-Gage QD
Nokia N70
Nokia N72
Nokia N90
Panasonic X700
Panasonic X800
Samsung SGH-D720
Samsung SGH-D730
Siemens SX1

Registration Code: 00000

Schlag den Raab is a game show airing on the German television channel ProSieben.
A candidate, who can beat Stefan Raab in a number of disciplines, wins the jackpot.

English Version by James.
Special thanks to Stuart & Dedomil.

Nokia 6600:
Nokia N70:

Midnight Pool 2
by Gameloft

The wildest pool players are back and ready to face you in heated competition in Midnight Pool 2.

Download this fun mobile game onto your phone to play in 8 welcoming bars, like Arizona’s Cactus Bar or New Mexico’s Route 66 Bar. A cast of 11 colorful characters await you as you search for your next opponent: Melissa, the bartender, Brian, the bicker, and much more. Learn the most amazing trick shots from the trickmaster to improve your style and sink even more balls. The more you win, the better your chances of earning money to use in the pool shop for new equipment to improve your game. And with 3 rule variations to choose from you’ll be a pool shark in no time.

– 11 even livelier characters ready to challenge you in no mercy matches.
– 8 new welcoming bars to compete in: The Cactus, The Route 66, The Hunter, and much more.
– A 3D view for greater game immersion and spectacular pool sessions.
– Buy chalk (improve accuracy), cues (improve power) and gloves (improve precision) from the store.
– Numerous achievements to complete: Sink 3 balls in a row, win a match without a single fault, etc.
– Learn the most spectacular tricks with the trickmaster.
– Play on the same phone against your friends with the hot-seat mode.

supplied by D@nilYcH

Original versions for

Nokia 6630 (S60v2 176×208)
Nokia 6670 (S60v2 176×208)
Nokia 6680 (S60v2 176×208)
Nokia 7610 (S60v2 176×208)

Asphalt 3 : Street Rules HD by GameloftThe best mobile phone racing game returns to plunge you right into the heart of the underground racing world. This HD version have 5MB!!!

New Mirrors:…104_signed.rar



Midnight Pool
By Gameloft

Step into the electric atmosphere of an American pool hall tournament !!

Welcome to Midnight Pool! In this version, entirely in 3D, you can travel to different cities to compete against some of the best players in the US.
Pit yourself against these colorful characters – from simple amateurs to professional players – and challenge them by betting money on the outcome of the game. Link up trick shots during the challenges and games of 8 ball US, 8 ball UK or 9 ball, depending on your preference. If you win, you’ll leave with your opponents’ respect… If you don’t, you’ll leave with nothing more than an empty wallet!
The friendly, feisty atmosphere of 4 American pool bars, very different from other pool games for mobile phones.
The only pool game to offer 3 sets of rules – 8 ball US, 8 ball UK and 9 ball – in addition to the special shots option like massé shots and jump shots to perform real trick shots.
4 available characters (2 to unlock), with original personalities, and none of whom is at a loss for words! Tables and cues can be customized as you advance through the game.
Numerous game modes: Instant Play, Arcade Mode and Challenge.
Hyper-realistic graphics and intuitive gameplay in an integral 3D universe, making this the best pool simulation game for mobile phones!

Nokia 7610 Original Virsion – Retail

不知道这是第几只强调 all in one 的 Nseries 多媒体手机了;会半自动弹开的双向滑盖设计、500 万画素卡尔蔡司相机外加镜头盖、Wi-Fi 无线网络、3.5G 高速网上冲浪、GPS 卫星导航、还有就是 2.6 吋大屏幕的 OLED (有机发光二极管, Organic Light-Emitting Diode),OLED 显示屏幕的特性就是自己发光,不像 TFT 显示屏幕需要背光模块,所以 OLED 显示屏幕的可视度和亮度都很高,而且 OLED 显示屏幕的电压需求较低,省电效率也较高。接着就来慢慢地解析 诺基亚 N85 吧,请继续阅读小弟不专业的分享测试文。

这次新登场的 诺基亚 N85 是也,今天来到外景拍摄,希望大家不要嫌弃小弟烂烂的拍照技术。

远远看诺基亚 N85,这好像 N81,又好像 诺基亚 N96,也好像 诺基亚 N78,真是猜不透你啊 诺基亚 N85……

可以确定 Nokia 手机型号,一个方法就是看手机上面的型号标示啰 (好像在废话…溜),另外 诺基亚 N85 有个 10 万画素的视讯镜头,旁边还有个光源感应器。诺基亚 N85 的屏幕分辨率是 240 x 320 pixels、有 1670 万色,OLED 材质,颜色鲜艳又饱满。

诺基亚 N85 的设计概念延续前几只 Nseries 手机,黑色全镜面。

诺基亚 N85 的左右软键、菜单键、删除键,隐藏式按键灯光的设计,很明显是延续 诺基亚 N78 的设计概念;不过 诺基亚 N85 测试机的这几个按键好难按啊,键程短又偏硬,还好 Nokia 产品经理有解释,正式上市的 诺基亚 N85 会改善这个问题。

诺基亚 N85 的背面,这个样子其实还蛮耐看的,整体而言也有延续 诺基亚 N82 的设计概念,不知道大大和小弟是不是有相同的感觉咧?

500 万画素的卡尔蔡司 Tessar 镜头,外加两颗 LED 闪光灯。


诺基亚 N85 的这一个侧面很热闹:双立体声喇叭、音量大小声键、键盘锁、拍照快门键。键盘锁有延续 N81 和 诺基亚 N96 的设计概念,这一个设计也很贴心方便。

诺基亚 N85 的另一个侧面就很简单了,micro SD 记忆卡插槽,诺基亚 N85 上市时会附赠一张 8GB 记忆卡,开心!

诺基亚 N85 的机顶,有电源键、吊饰孔、3.5 mm 耳机孔,还有 Nseries 第一只可以用 micro USB 充电的 micro USB 充电兼传输埠。

诺基亚 N85 的机底就没什么好介绍啦,没有任何的东西。

推开诺基亚 N85 的滑盖,数字键面积很大不容易误按,手感也很棒,诺基亚 N85 正式上市也会有注音符号。

延续诺基亚 N95 和 诺基亚 N96 的设计概念,这只 诺基亚 N85 也是双滑盖手机唷。

再来一张诺基亚 N85 背面的样子,仔细瞧,双立体声喇叭都做在上面。

诺基亚 N85 拍照模式的画面,2.6 吋大屏幕很漂亮、也很够用,能够塞进 诺基亚 N85 的手机中,算是很刚好,诺基亚 N85 的体积尺寸是 103 x 50 x 16 mm,整体而言握在手中的感觉很刚好,但是 128 公克的重量就略嫌太重。

不论是诺基亚 N85 的上滑盖或是下滑盖,通通都是黑色镜面处理,最大问题就是容易沾染指纹。

诺基亚 N85 滑轨的设计造型,想到类似的就是 E65 啰,话说回来这只测试机的滑盖还蛮松的,正式上式版本,或许会好一点,希望到时候会有大大来分享啰。

诺基亚 N85 有方中带圆的设计,所以 诺基亚 N85 的四个角角都有比较圆润,手感很棒。

再来就是诺基亚 N85 的多媒体键,和 诺基亚 N96 一样是隐藏式灯光的设计,不过 诺基亚 N85 的功能更多啰。这个是平常会显示的两个按键,可以快速启动音乐播放器。


这两个按键是玩 N-Gage 游戏会出现的按键,也就是游戏 A / B 键。其实后来发现还有一组的多媒体键组合,稍后回到棚内在和大家介绍。

2.6 吋大屏幕的 OLED 显示屏幕在户外的样子,亮度可以调整,所以说还不会太暗。

OLED 显示屏幕的灯光灭掉之后,隐约还是看得到屏幕,不会像传统 TFT 屏幕的灯光灭掉之后,就乌漆麻黑。

自动进入屏幕省电模式之后,连时间字体还是可以清晰可见,这是 OLED 显示屏幕发光特性,还蛮特别的。

这个是拿到诺基亚 N85 第一个安装的应用程序,直接输入 就可以下载,颇方便的。

诺基亚 N85 内建 Wi-Fi 无线网络和 3.5G (HSDPA),两种方式都可以轻松地联机网络世界。

fring 是一套免费的 IM 实时通讯软件,支持 Skype, MSN Messenger, ICQ, Google Talk, SIP, Twitter, AIM & Yahoo! 语音或是文字聊天。

fring 有 5 个 fring Add-ons 免费服务,举例来说 Gmail 的部份,就是一种免费 Push Mail 服务啰。

fring 是免费软件,Skype 语音通话,或是 MSN 文字聊天,都还算不错用,推荐给大家啰。

正在用 fring 的 Skype 通话中,哈哈,个人一直觉得 诺基亚 N85 背面不错看,就不知不觉拍了很多张。

来看看诺基亚 N85 的内在吧,诺基亚 N85 采用了 S60 3.2 接口,有直式和横式两种快捷键显示方式啰。

诺基亚 N78 首见的 FM 发送器功能,在 诺基亚 N85 上又看到啦,可惜 FM 发送器功能只能传输音乐,如果能把 GPS 导航语音也能够 FM 传输到汽车音响上,那还真不错。

诺基亚 N85 有很多分类详细的菜单数据夹,而且 诺基亚 N85 多媒体功能完整,内建了 UPnP 无线传控功能。

诺基亚 N85 有个小地方,独立成一个 icon 程序了,那就是程序更新,可以透过网络联机直接更新手机韧体,不需要透过计算机,很方便的。

诺基亚 N85 内建最新版本的在线分享,拍照后可立即上传 flickr、地图日记、Ovi,也可以在线直接回复留言;诺基亚 N85 也内建了 Adobe Reader 和 Quick Office v4.0,可以轻松阅读 Microsoft Office 档案。

虽然说诺基亚 N85 是一只 all in one 手机,但是还是有强调其娱乐功能,N-Gage 就是 Nokia 主打的行动游戏。

N-Gage 游戏通通可以下载免费试玩版,透过 3.5G 下载一个 25 MB 的二战游戏,大约 4~5 分钟的时间。

诺基亚 N85 内建了最新版本的 N-Gage 主程序,修正了旧版本许多 BUGs,新版本的字体也变大了。

每一款 N-Gage 游戏都可以累积点数,然后可以上传游戏点数,和朋友比较一下呵。

可以透过计算机或是手机下载 N-Gage 试玩版的游戏,透过手机下载就需要负担传输费,除非是透过 Wi-Fi 无线网络。

诺基亚 N85 内建 15 款 N-Gage 的试玩版游戏,其实现在 N-Gage 有提供 20 款游戏了,都可以免费下载。

现在 N-Gage 正式上线的 20 款游戏,有 18 款游戏有中文接口,而且 诺基亚 N85 随机附赠一张 N-Gage 启动码,可以任选一款游戏注册成正式版本。

不只是 N-Gage 游戏,诺基亚 N85 也可玩其它的 S60 或 Java 游戏,像是这个和郑蛋蛋借来玩的卡丁车游戏,横向操作接口,一玩就上瘾,哈哈。

接着就回到棚内继续分享诺基亚 N85 的其它东西啰,像是这个 Windows Live,搭捷运等公交车的时候,也是一个杀时间的好东西啊。

这是诺基亚 N85 浏览照片的接口,以前用 Nseries 手机就觉得这样还好没什么,但是用了 Eseries 之后,才惊觉 Nseries 这个浏览照片接口真的太方便人性化了。




诺基亚 N85 采用了全新规格的 BL-5K 3.7V 1200 mAh 锂电池,而且 诺基亚 N85 真的很省电,几乎是 诺基亚 N82 的 2 倍时间了。

诺基亚 N85 的电池背盖也有隐藏式天线的设计,所以这天线背盖可千万别弄坏了。

诺基亚 N85 特色之一就是 OLED 屏幕颜色饱满而且鲜艳,但是屏幕亮度还是略输传统 TFT 屏幕一截。

诺基亚 N85 是 OLED 屏幕,诺基亚 E66 是 TFT 屏幕,很明显的 诺基亚 N85 屏幕有偏暗一些些。

不过灯光熄灭之后,诺基亚 N85 的 OLED 自发光特性就很明显了,还有 OLED 仍然是比 TFT 省电。

再来,看看诺基亚 N85 的 工具 > 设定 > 一般,一大串落落长的选项,初次使用 S60 3.2 的玩家,肯定会看的头昏眼花。

还好诺基亚 N85 的 OLED 显示屏幕可以调整亮度,平常小弟的设定都是最亮或是最亮少一格,这样子的设定最接近以前用 诺基亚 E66 的 TFT 屏幕亮度中间的设定。

屏幕显示的详细设定,通通可以微调,还有诺基亚 N85 滑盖机也可以自己定义滑盖阖上或打开的定义啰。

诺基亚 N85 直接内建屏幕翻转功能,还有 Navi 滚轮和呼吸灯光。

诺基亚 N85 有内建 GPS 和 AGPS 唷,另外最重要的就是要拿 SPMark 来测试一下 诺基亚 N85 啰。

其实诺基亚 N85 和大多数采用 ARM 11 处理器的 S60 手机有差不多的成绩。

这边是用 SPMark 显示的处理器规格,这边有一点点小错误,官网的应该比较正确:ARM 11 / 369 MHz

这边是用 SPMark 显示的内存规格,内建 87 MB 内存,内存有 73 MB,都还算蛮大的。

左上角是 6210 Navigator 的成绩,左下角是 E71 的成绩,右边是 诺基亚 N82 的成绩;实际上这几只和 诺基亚 N85 在操作和控制都是很流畅的。

看到测试分享文的最后,别忘记 500 万画素的卡尔蔡司 Tessar 镜头的实拍;先来看看 诺基亚 N85 拍照接口,承袭以往 Nseries 拍照接口,诺基亚 N85 还可以自定义旁边一排的快捷键。

诺基亚 N85 在影片模式有电子防手震功能,还有影片补光灯的设计,这个功能是延续了 N93 和 诺基亚 N96,还有就是 诺基亚 N85 两颗 LED 灯可以在摄影时保持恒亮,但是用 SpotOn 手电筒程序,是无法直接启动两颗 LED 灯保持恒亮。

下面就是一系列诺基亚 N85 的实拍照片,都是用全自动模式,有几张关掉 LED 闪光灯,或是用小花模式去拍摄。

新款 Nseries 或 Eseries 手机,通通都有内建 GPS 模块,当然 诺基亚 N85 也不例外,随机附赠 PaPaGO VR-ONE 导航软件一套,关于 PaPaGO VR-ONE 已经有不少讨论和分享文章了,所以这边就偷懒一下下,不多做介绍了。

说到 GPS 卫星导航,目前最最最多人使用,就是汽车导航和步行导航;在炙热的阳光底下,诺基亚 N85 的 OLED 屏幕会显得比较暗,相同屏幕亮度设定的 诺基亚 E66,因为是 TFT 屏幕的关系,所以在大太阳底下比较容易阅读。

诺基亚 N85 的 16 mm 厚度已经是在双向滑盖手机当中,算是最纤薄的一只,但是论滑盖手机诺基亚 E66 的 13.6 mm 厚度,硬是比 诺基亚 N85 还要薄一些些。

希望有一点 Nseries 滑盖手机,也能够有 诺基亚 E66 的纤薄、也有 诺基亚 E66 的金属质感。

今天这一篇不专业的分享测试文,就用诺基亚 E66 和 诺基亚 N85 的迭迭乐来结束吧!(两只手机哪算是迭迭乐啊…)

喜欢 all in one 功能的手机,但还没有买 诺基亚 N95 或 诺基亚 N82 的话,又有一个 诺基亚 N85 可以选择了,尤其是 诺基亚 N85 在电力管理上,有很大的进步,以前 c jay 的 诺基亚 N82 待机大约 1.5 天,现在用 诺基亚 N85 可以到 2.5~3 天,再加上 micro USB 可以是传输埠、也可以是充电埠,相信常常用手机上网的使用者,就可以少准备一条充电线了;诺基亚 N85 上市时附赠 8GB 的 micro SD 记忆卡,还有一年免费 WIFLY 的手机 Wi-Fi 无线上网,当然还有 PaPaGO VR-ONE 导航软件和一个 N-Gage 游戏注册码,整体而言还算丰富。

这次拿到的 诺基亚 N85 测试机,主要的几个常用功能键通通都是偏硬而且不好按,手机版本也不是很稳定,常常当机,值得欣慰的是,它当机之后会自动重开机 (自我安慰…囧),不过这些问题 Nokia 产品经理通通都有一一回复,正式上市版本都会有所改善。

诺基亚 N85 卖点之一的 OLED 显示屏幕,让屏幕色彩更丰富鲜艳、亮度更分明、颜色对比度更高,而且更省电,但是之前 c jay 用过 7900 Prism 和 8800 Arte,对于 OLED 显示屏幕都没有什么好感,主要原因就是在大太阳底下,一定要稍微遮一下才能看见屏幕;虽然 诺基亚 N85 可以把屏幕亮度调高,但是和 TFT 屏幕相比较仍是略暗了一些。或许这个就是省电与耗电之间的取舍吧,如果不常在户外活动的朋友们,就不用太担心这个问题呵。

赶着想要把测试文章早一点分享给大家,不知不觉又写到半夜四点了,虽然小弟写的不是什么专业的测试分享,但还是希望能够让大大们藉由这一篇又一篇的测试分享文,大家一起互相交流讨论,让彼此之间了解更多更多的 3C 科技产品;这一篇 诺基亚 N85 测试分享文,献给所有热爱手机的玩家们。

Roland Garros 2008by Gameloft

Bring the world’s most intense tennis tournament to life
with the official mobile game of Roland Garros.

Experience the thrill of the most popular tennis tournament in the world with the official mobile game of Roland Garros. Start your tennis training with Junior Wimbledon in the hope of serving your way up the ranks to compete in the real Wimbledon Championships. As you play on Centre Court, striving to win The Challenge Cup or Challenge Trophy, you’ll experience the intensity of matches only the grass court can provide. No matter if you choose to play in the women’s or men’s tournament, this is one tennis match you’ll definitely want to download to your mobile phone.

Experience the thrill of the most popular tennis tournament in the world with the official mobile game of Roland Garros and take a chance on Centre Court.

– Plunge into Roland Garros: play on Centre Court as you struggle on the grass to win the Challenge Cup.
– Increase your odds of becoming unbeatable with knowledge from the Roland Garros Championships history section.
– Improve your skills and have fun with 5 training mini-games.
– Participate in a professional tour with the career mode: train, play tournaments and increase your rank.
– Play singles or doubles on the 3 main surfaces (clay, grass and synthetic).
– Accessible controls allow for easy play with only one thumb.

supplied by D@nilYcH

Original versions for

Nokia N82 (S60v3 240×320)
Nokia E71 (S60v3 320×240)

Diamond Twisterby Gameloft

This dazzling rotate-the-blocks puzzle will leave you breathless for hours!

Welcome to the fascinating world of high-stakes robbery! Discover the most precious mobile game. Steal dazzling diamonds from 8 glamorous locations, including lavish mansions and well-protected museums, in this addictive rotate-the-blocks puzzle. Enjoy 8 different game modes throughout a simple and challenging concept: Swap 2 gems together to align 3 identical precious stones and make the maximum amount of combos possible. Fascinating visual effects, twisting diamonds and gem explosions will leave you breathless for hours!

– A hugely addictive, simple and intuitive gameplay.
– Switch pairs of gems on the grid to make combos of 3 or more identical, precious stones.
– A real adventure story in the fascinating world of high-stakes robbery!
– Dazzling visual effects, gem explosions and twisting diamonds spice up the game experience.
– 8 game modes, including 5 exclusive modes and 64 different levels of difficulty.
– 8 glamorous environments to steal diamonds from, like lavish mansions and museums.

supplied by D@nilYcH

Original versions for

Nokia 3250 (S60v3 176×208)
Nokia N91 (S60v3 176×208)
Nokia 5320 (S60v3 240×320)
Nokia 6220 Classic (S60v3 240×320)
Nokia E66 (S60v3 240×320)
Nokia E62 (S60v3 320×240)
Nokia E71 (S60v3 320×240)

Paris Hilton’s Diamond Questby Gameloft

Don’t be puzzled. Match the diamonds.

Discover Paris Hilton’s Diamond Quest, the official game of the world’s most glamorous heiress. Get a rare look inside the doors to this stunning universe studded with diamonds and sapphires!

She has been an actress, a model, and a television star. Now Paris needs your help to launch her own line of jewelry. Hop on board her private jet and travel with her to today’s hottest cities (New York, Cancun, Paris, London, and others) on the search for exceptionally rare jewels. To do this, you’ll have to make it past lots of puzzles along the way that will leave you breathless for hours at a time. You’ll have your choice of several game modes that have different rules but are all based on a similar concept that is both simple and exciting. Eliminate the diamonds, sapphires, rubies, and other jewels contained in a grid by switching around pairs of jewels and lining up at least three identical jewels.

– The first official mobile game from Paris Hilton, showing the star’s glamorous side and elegance.
– Many photos of Paris parading her jewels and hip outfits, plus a photo of a special guest…her famous companion, Tinkerbell the dog!
– Rich and classy graphics, dynamic and detailed animation.
– A remarkable gaming experience: an entertaining and exciting storyline, lots of bonuses, amusing and assorted additional game modes.
– An intuitive gameplay just right for everyone: a detailed tutorial, increasing difficulty, and assistance during the game.

supplied by D@nilYcH

Original versions for

Nokia 3250 (S60v3 176×208)
Nokia N91 (S60v3 176×208)
Nokia E51 (S60v3 240×320)
Nokia N73 (S60v3 240×320)
Nokia N81 (S60v3 240×320)
Nokia N82 (S60v3 240×320)
Nokia N95 (S60v3 240×320)
Nokia E62 (S60v3 320×240)

  • None
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